Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Photographs from 2010

Jim Buchanan: Labyrinths for the Spirit
Jim spoke about labyrinths being embraced by many cultures, their connection to humans with nature and the spirit, and becoming a metaphor for humankind’s relationship with the earth.  He explained that "By moving in a focused and directed way through the labyrinth, we begin to relax, and our sixth sense becomes heightened." That's how Jim, a renowned labyrinth-maker and "land artist," describes the effect of walking the traditional and contemporary labyrinths explored in his book “Labyrinths for the Spirit”.

Kathy Rowan Drewitt: The Planetary Alignment 21/12/12 
The Planetary alignment on 21st December 2012 has been long awaited.  Some say it is a time to be feared, others talk of ascension and new spiritual energies.  In her presentation Kathy explained the real meaning of the planetary line up for the UK and specifically for the people of Lancashire.  Not only did she reveal the mundane meaning of this planetary alignment but she also the deeper spiritual lessons of this time based on many years studying the Western Mystery Tradition.

John Lamb: Prehistoric Sites in Lancashire
Lancashire isn't well-known for its prehistory, yet, explained John, if you delve into the records there is evidence of human activity in the county when the ice age was still retreating, together with sites dating from the Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age. John has compiled a gazetteer of 285 prehistoric sites in Lancashire and will present a Powerpoint of slides that illustrates the timeline from 10,250BC to the collapse of the Kingdom of Brigantia around AD69 following the Roman invasion of southern England in AD43.

Mark Foster: Out of the Box
Outside the box, is that your destiny Mark asked the audience?  He then presented an intriguing look into a world very different from the five sensory illusion we all currently call reality.  He explained that more and more people are awakening to the fact that our current reality is being controlled and manipulated by an invisible minority for their own ends.  What are our options in the years to come?  An end to the old?  A new world or a new reality?  And is it happening now?

Brian Halliwell: The World of Synchronicity (Meaningful Co-incidences)
Brian asked if all these "funny coincidences" that happen to all of us reflect an underlying reality that most of us are unaware of? For example, a reality that acts like a “connecting principle" linking "mind and matter", or are these coincidences messages from the "Great Unmanifest”, i.e. the Universe swinging into action to answer humanities inner need? Brian’s talk explored these issues.